Whatsup, thanks for stepping by! I would love to start this blog with a quote directly:
“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.” – Henry James
As an artist by myself I am having the desire to create something. But furthermore the even more meaningful desire is making people happy with what I’m doing. Each of the photos on my Social Media is there for everyone in this world – thought as a moment to stop and enjoy the photo with a smile. And I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only one who is thinking like this, there are tons of inspiring photographers out there who do have the same mission and desires.
Nowadays social media is turning us photographers down massively. The algorithms of Facebook and Instagram are changing daily, it feels like no one can see the photos anymore. Well there is an option, but by paying lot’s of money to these networks.
It feels like a kick in the a**. It feels like Facebook and Instagram are kicking our passions and desires. Us, the photographers worldwide, are slowly failing with our mission to make people happy with our images – because no one can see them anymore.
Luckily there is another option besides paying money.
That’s the point where WE do need YOUR kindness and help:
I’m sure you know lot’s of inspiring photographers, no matter if they are friends or you found them on Social Media. Quoting Aesop: “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
Give us a like each time you see our photos. It will help us holding our reach. Give us some comments and feedback, it will help us to build up our reach.
One more thing I would like to ask you to do as an act of kindness (Karma will return the kindness back to you, I’m sure about this) 😉
It will help us – the creatives around the world – massively if you start turning on post notifications. This way you will never miss any postings from your favourite creative anymore.
It goes like this:
Head to their Facebook page and hit the “Following” Button. The best option is the “See first” option, then you’ll never miss a posting again (With the default option you will only see around 10 percent of what they are posting):
The same for Instagram as Instagram has made some recent algorithm changes that holds us down immensely. Check you’re favourite Instagram creatives, press the button top right and turn on post notifications:
Thank you so much for your understanding! Share this article with your friends and followers to make Facebook and Instagram exciting and engaging again! 🙂
Rock on,