Cheers everyone out there,
my new 2021 Calendar is finally up for sale:
This new 2021 calendar focuses on the german word “FERNWEH” – the longing for places and experiences that are far away.
As we step into 2021, this calendar is my way of sharing and encouraging you to be positive and get outside and encounter new experiences and adventures.
I deeply care about our environment and our planet. Not only in my every days life, but also with any print products. That’s why I decided to create the most possible “green” calendar:
- Premium-quality, printed on 250g/m2 Recycling offset paper (100% recycling, certified with the German “Blauer Engel” certification)
- Carbon Dioxide neutral production
- Carbon Dioxide neutral shipment
- Printed with mineral oil free colours
- Everlasting design – reuse the calendar for as often as you want
- Images are free of text – cut off the white strip and use the photos as posters
- 10 Trees per calendar are getting planted through my partner Trees For The Future (5 trees per small calendar)
Have a look at this page for the german speaking version of the calendar – or check out this one for the english version.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support!
Rock on,